We are asking for your support of South Orange Little League, a program
that has served more than 10,000 families since it was founded in 1983.
are chartered by Little League International Headquarters and are a family
oriented, registered 501(c)(3)non-profit organization. Your tax-deductible donation will be used for
the sole purpose of benefiting the boys and girls of South Orange Little
League. Our goal is to instill
leadership, character, courage and loyalty in all that participate.
Orange Little League has baseball and softball for boys and girls; the divisions
are T-Ball, Rookie, Minor, Major, Junior, and Seniors. The range of ages is 4-18 years old. We rely on player participation fees and
donations from community businesses to run a fun and successful program
dedicated to enhancing the lives of our
community’s children. South Orange
Little League is run solely by volunteers.
Orange Sports Complex is located 11800 South Orange Avenue (1/4
mile North of Wetherbee and South Orange Avenue). If you have any questions please contact me
at [email protected] (attention: Tom Trotta).
you in advance for your consideration and support.
Tom Trotta
South Orange Little League
Sponsorship/Fundraising Director
South Orange Little League Sponsorship Programs
[ ] A: Championship Donation $900.00 and includes:
• Your company name imprinted on the back of one whole team’s jerseys.
• Receive one (1) 4 x 6 banners
• Location to place a tent @ the Inauguration Event TBD @ the South Orange Sports Complex. (You will need to provide your own tent, table and chairs.)
• You will receive a League photo plaque.
• Your sponsorship will also cover the cost of one registration of a player who financially needs and deserves it.
• Your sponsorship will be recognized for one calendar year from date of sponsorship.
[ ] B: All-Star Donation $600.00 and includes:
• Receive one (1) 4 x 6 banner.
• You will receive a League photo plaque.
• Your sponsorship will also cover the cost of one registration of a player who financially needs and deserves it.
• Your sponsorship will be recognized for one calendar year from date of sponsorship.
[ ] C: Grand Slam Donation $300.00 and includes:
• Receive one (1) 4 x 6 banner.
- Your sponsorship will be recognized for one calendar year from date of sponsorship.
All Sponsorships will be on our League Website and Facebook Page.
[email protected]